Sunday, January 26, 2014


Ok, that's it! I cry Mercy!!! I went to bed Friday night thinking about how glad I was that the week was over and was so looking forward to Monday when we could get back to our normal routine. The kids really overall haven't been bad but just keeping them entertained has exhausted me. So when I woke up Saturday morning to a fresh covering of snow and huge snowflakes pouring out of the sky I called Mercy!!! I am done!

The roads are worse than ever and the weather channel is talking about an Artic Assault!! Tuesday is supposed to be a high of 8 degrees! My kids are NEVER going back to school! Just what am I going to do with them next week?

Check out the view from our porch!

It's a total white wash!
To be honest, other than our family, there isn't a whole lot about Florida that I miss. We were ready for a change, but I do miss the blue skies. And today would have been a great day to see one! :)

So we've been doing a lot of this -

Because our house gets warm upstairs and stays rather cold downstairs I find myself operating more and more from here...I am here now as I type! The kids filter in and out and occasionally I come out to find them but for the most part when I am at home and it's cold this is where I will be! BTW - Owen took this pic! :)

On one of my trips down, I found this! They had gone out for a few mins to go sledding and apparently wore themselves out! It makes me laugh that he fell asleep with his hood still on!

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