Sunday, March 9, 2014

Blur of a Week

This past week was kind of a big blur. Monday and Tuesday were snow days and then Wednesday they did go to school but on a 2 hour delay so Kate didn't leave until almost 11:00! By the time Thursday rolled around it felt more like Monday and then Friday was here! What a weird week!

Not much interesting going on here and I am in a sort of rebellion when it comes to housework, cooking, and such! Spring needs to hurry up and get here :)

But here are a few highlights from this weird week!

The kids found the Growing Crystal kit from last Valentine's Day and begged to do another experiment!

What else is there to do on a snow day?
Finally when they did go back to school, it was Read Across America Week, otherwise known as all things Dr. Suess!

It was Wacky Wednesday so she wore all her clothes backwards and her hair like Cindy Lou Who!
Her teacher fussed over her so much on Wed that she insisted I do her hair again on Friday!
Thursday was PJ Day at Owen's preschool! Check out his cute class!

Before you feel completely sorry for us, we are supposed to have temps in the mid 60's this week so the end might actually be in sight! :) Yay! What a weird winter this has been!

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