Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Winter Storm Octavia

Otherwise known as Snow-Mageddon! We were literally snowed in!!! Forecasters said to expect the worst winter storm in about 16 years!! And we got it!

And these nut jobs wanted to go out and sled!

He's ready! 

Even Kate went out! 

It's a white wash everywhere! 

The Mama in me didn't really want them out there because it was so cold and the mess it would create but the kid in me knew how much fun they were having! So I kept myself busy prepping for their re-entry!

hot water....and lots of it! 

Massive amounts of hot chocolate....courtesy of Aunt Susan! 

Warm change of clothes ready! 

Looks like I get to do a load of laundry today! :) 
It's still snowing and is due to snow again Wed. It looks like we won't see temps above freezing until Saturday! We could very well be snowed in for a week! Pray for us! I will keep you posted!! :)

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