Thursday, August 7, 2014

Louisville Day 2 - Science Center

The second day we spent in Louisville was Owen's actual birthday and we had a fun day planned! The Science Center!

First we found this -

The Happy Birthday Lot  - coincidentally named that after the two woman from Louisville who wrote the song! Fun Fun! 

Then we came upon this!
The Louisville Slugger! 
And once we finally made it to the Science Center!

After we left there we picked up Mike from his conference and headed out to a special birthday dinner!

We parked right next to this! 

And had too much fun! 

We ate at The Old Spaghetti Factory and Owen got birthday ice cream :) 

And after even a 2 hour drive home, he still had a surprise waiting in the mail from Aunt Carrie and Uncle Jack!

 I feel like Owen's birthday sort of dragged on between celebrating early with grandparents and then a party a weekend early but it is officially over now! But man was it a good one!

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