Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Stick in the Ear

Well, I will be the first to admit it - Savannah has been relatively drama free for a while. We haven't had any real incidents lately. But yesterday was a doozy! At about 1:00 I got a phone call from her school. She had apparently taken a small stick from the mulch on the playground and wedged it into her ear! What was worse is that she was freaking out so badly that the staff couldn't get it out.

Only with the promise of a juice box and an ice cream cone would she even let me near her face. She allowed me to take a picture "to show Daddy" and then adamantly refused to let me take it out. So we went to get Daddy and Kate from school.

After about an hour of talking and reassuring she deemed that I would be allowed to remove it. It was in there pretty good, but I managed to get it out with a pair of tweezers and minimal meltdown from her!!! Victory!!!

So off to Chick-fil-A we went to celebrate the non ER visit :) So why did she put it the stick in her ear? According to her, there was something squishy in her ear (I am thinking maybe ear wax) and she was simply trying to get it out!

Oh Savannah!!!

And as for the major freak out, she says now that it didn't hurt but was just "scary".


  1. Seriously!!! You couldn't make this up any better! And I love the updated blog look . . .

  2. I want my life, don't you? I call the new blog a spring clean!!! Mike doesn't like the orange but I think it's awesome :)
