Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sickie Savannie

Last night our family attended a church pot luck dinner and Savannah got to eat and then go watch a movie with the other kids while the adults met with their ministry teams. When we picked her up to leave, she was complaining that she ate too much popcorn and that her belly hurt. We thought nothing of it really and sent her to bed. Until about 9:00 when she threw up!!!
So we made her a little spot next to my side of the bed and she slept with us. Throughout the night she threw up a total of 5 times, thankfully in her big green bowl!! Poor girl!

This morning, she did a lot of this...

Just not feeling so hot....but she was able to eat part of a bagel with cream cheese and some sprite and actually keep it down.
notice her green barf bowl close by :)
Poor Savannie! She doesn't really get sick all that often anymore so it's kind of sweet to see her so pathetic!! It makes me realize she is human after all :)

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