Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Out with the Old!!!

Monday afternoon I had to take Kate to her nephrologist and endocrinologist appointments in Lake Mary so Mike came home to hold down the fort with the little ones. And that is not all he did! He lined up someone to come take away his junky old car!!!!

Savannah is seriously the only one in our family the least bit sad to see it go! She loves the car simply because it belongs to her Daddy!

I still can't believe it's finally gone!!!
Good bye!!!!

Later on that evening....
Kate and Owen playing a game of tic tac toe! He looks so big!!!
Quick update on Kate - her nephrologist put her on a new medication to help filter the blood and protein out of her urine just as a precaution since she is now diabetic. Her endocrinologist was pleased with her growth and her blood sugars so she scaled back her testing requirements. She only has to test her blood sugars 3 times a week instead of daily!! Yay!!! That saves her 16 finger pricks a week :) Good news!!!

Owen has figured out what the camera does and now hams it up when he sees us taking a picture!!!! Love that face!!!

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